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Welcome to The Boyle Plan information page for prospective leaders and regional organisers.

The Boyle plan is a weight loss regime that will be delivered at weekly meetings.

This formula has of course been done very successfully by other organisations. The Boyle plan though is different. The plan actually sets out what the clients will eat for the coming week. The task of thinking up healthy meals from allowed or disallowed ingredients is therefore removed. This leads to a better re-education in terms of healthy eating and eventual outcome.
The plan is in three stages [ see below] at weekly meetings the leader will register and weigh new clients, distribute the following weeks menus for the "Brakes on" clients and to a lesser extent for the "Cruising" clients. The leader will also lead a question and answer session and encourage mutual support within the group. 

Leaders will run meetings as above. Actively recruit new clients and bank funds.

Regional organisers in addition to the above will recruit and supervise leaders.

We are looking for self starters who recognise that success comes from effort applied. For our part we believe that success should be rewarded. Your potential earnings are limited only by yourself.

Leaders will receive a percentage of signup and weekly fees. The more classes you have. The more clients you have the more you earn. Regional organisers will in addition receive a percentage of their leaders earnings.

If you have experience in this or a related field, have the personality to encourage and motivate a class. Have the drive to go out in the world and find your own clients then we would like to hear from you. Send a CV and covering letter to



It’s one of the fastest growing programmes around, but what exactly is the “The Boyle Plan”. Well if someone told you there was a weight loss programme that allows you to eat well, is healthy, balanced, enjoyable and yet still allows you to loose weight. You’d probably say it sounds too good to be true. But that’s exactly what “The Boyle Plan” does.

Many of us are overweight these days. On the whole we're less active and we eat far more processed foods than we did even a generation ago. The term Diet has been taken to mean a programme whereby we reduce the quantities and types of foods we eat for a set period of time to loose weight. Eventually we stop the programme and the weight piles on again. So what do we do? Go on another diet of course. Every so often a new wonder diet appears once the "F Plan" was all the rage now its "The Atkins diet". Most of these wonder diets have one thing in common the bias of one food group against another, so it's low fat or low carb or no dairy or all fruit, you name it someone's invented a diet based on it.

When it comes right down to it, a diet is really just the food and drink that we regularly consume. And this is what we need to address permanently.

It’s generally accepted that Men need about 2500 and Women need about 2000 calories per day to fuel their bodies. The actual amount will vary from person to person. So eat more than you need =  weight gain. Eat less than you need = weight loss. The trick is to balance that equation on a regular basis. And that is where "The Boyle Plan" comes in. The plan aims to establish a healthy diet which doesn't cut out any major food group.

Don't worry were not going to be counting calories !

The plan has three distinct stages. “Brakes On”, “Cruising” and “Sailing Away”.


Brakes On

This stage lasts for Eight weeks. It aims to establish the new regime and put you on the road to success. Daily meals are set out for you. If you stick to the “Brakes On” programme you will be laying down the foundations for a new healthy fit you. During this stage your weight loss should be significant. Exactly how much you will loose will vary from person to person. As we all know weight loss is relatively easy. It’s keeping it off that’s the problem



Once the new eating pattern is established the plan moves on to the second stage. “Cruising” Now the brakes can come off a little. During the cruising stage you will find out how your body balances the energy equation. Weight loss will slow down and we are moving in to the so called "Five From Seven stage" you will by now have a good idea of how your body is balancing the equation. Now you can afford to let your hair down for at least a day or for the weekend. This is where the five from seven part comes in. Take care for five days and relax a bit more for two.

Sailing Away

You have by now reached your ideal weight. You will be able to balance the energy equation with ease. Fancy a calorie packed night out? No problem. You are now in control and if you stick to the plan you will be for life.